Releasing Stress Through the Power of Music

Stress can be defined as a mental or physical response that happens when you perceive an external force with the potential for harming yourself and your relationships. 

This definition includes both emotional distress caused by feelings of pressure, anxiety, anger or depression and also physical responses like increased heart rate, rapid breathing or headaches.

Many people believe that they will feel more stressed if they have less control over their lives but in actuality there are many other factors which contribute to feeling stressed such as being too exhausted from work/school/socializing or having unrealistic expectations about how well one should cope with certain events without assistance from others. 

Having some control can help a person feel less stressed because they know that their actions have an impact on the outcome and will be able to take care of themselves. 

Stress happens when the demands on an individual exceed their ability to cope with them physically or psychologically. -Stress can affect our health in a number of ways, including: 

  • Cardiovascular disease 
  • Higher levels of cholesterol and blood pressure 
  • Headaches, stomach aches, nausea 
  • Insomnia or sleep difficulties *colds and the flu more often than normal people. Stress is something that we all face from time to time, but it is important that we don’t let the stress get to us and affect our overall health.


Coping with Stress 

It’s all about balance! It can be difficult, especially as a student who has lots of work on their plate (and there are always more things coming!), but by taking some time out for yourself every day you will find your mood improve and you’ll feel less stressed in general. 

When feeling overwhelmed by what you need to do or think about try writing down everything that comes into your head without editing anything out – this should help put order back into chaos so you know where to start tackling first. 

If possible make sure that your environment at home and at work is a less stressful one, for example by reducing clutter or making sure that you have enough light.




Coping with Anxiety 

Therapy may be an option to help you through your stress – it’s important to remember not to bottle up what needs discussing but try talking about it instead! A therapist will help put things in perspective so that when facing problems they don’t seem as daunting. You’ll start feeling better because this person has been trained to understand how anxiety affects people and the best way of dealing with it. 

Try physical activities such as running, yoga, biking etc.; these are great ways of releasing pent-up energy which can otherwise contribute towards feelings of stress. It also allows us time outside of our own head to think about other things. 

Having a stress ball can also be helpful; it’s like a security blanket or reminder of what is going on in the present so that we don’t have to keep thinking about the past and future. It helps us use those hand muscles too while doing something else (it just feels good to squeeze them sometimes!).


Coping with Depression 

Depression, which includes feeling clinically low for weeks at a time as well as loss of interest in hobbies/interests you used to enjoy, requires medical attention because it could lead into suicidal thoughts. It’s important not to stay silent during this hard phase but instead talk through your problems with someone who will listen.


Coping with Anxiety 

Anxiety is the name for a group of disorders that cause extreme worry or stress. It can be triggered by any number of things, from changes in routine (like moving to a new home), to social situations such as public speaking and meeting people who intimidate us. This type of anxiety usually includes physical symptoms too like shaking hands, dizziness, heart palpitations and difficulty breathing. Worries about safety are common which may lead into obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).


Breaking Bad Habits: Stopping Smoking 

Smoking cigarettes is one example of an unhealthy habit; nicotine addiction can start within minutes after taking your first puff and it’s linked with cancer, heart and lung disease, bronchitis and other illnesses. You can save money by quitting, you’ll have more energy to push yourself harder in your workouts or keep up with your kids, the sense of smell will be enhanced without all that smoke clogging it up plus your teeth will look whiter!


Eating Better: What’s Your Diet Plan? 

The key is making small changes. Try eating a little healthier each day instead of giving up sugar cold turkey-your body needs balance even if it’s not perfect. Some ideas include drinking more water (you may find you need less coffee), getting rid of any extra junk food from around the house so there’s no temptation for mindless noshing at night, taking a walk after finishing dinner or take the stairs instead of the elevator. 

If you want to try something more drastic like changing your diet completely, make sure that you have enough time and energy for it. Find out what works for you-some people need lots of protein while others can’t live without carbs! And remember that there are no absolutes when it comes to anything in life including health so find what makes YOU feel good not just someone else online who has never met you before.


Releasing Stress Through the Power of Music 

So why is music so effective at releasing stress? The answer can be found in the way different frequencies of sound affect our brains. A study done by Dr. John Troup cites a specific frequency, known as alpha waves, that are released when we listen to relaxing melodies and songs. This frequency has been associated with feelings of relaxation and calm, which can reduce the stress hormone cortisol.

Music therapy has been linked to improved immune system function and lower blood pressure levels. In this blog post I will discuss the benefits of music as well as tips on how you can implement it in your life. 

In order to get greater benefit from this type of treatment I recommend also utilizing meditation techniques to help combat negative thoughts about one’s self-as well as practicing breathing exercises during stressful events. This way you’ll be able not only slow down your racing heart rate but also control what goes on inside your brain so you don’t feel so overwhelmed. 

If you’re interested in learning more about music as therapy, I want to share with you the five most important things to know before getting started: 

Find out which type of genre or song works best for your needs by conducting an experiment and keeping a log of what time it is when you feel calmest. 

Make sure that the tempo isn’t too slow or too fast because this will affect how well people can focus on their breathing exercises. 

Let go of any unnecessary guilt over having “too much” music playing throughout your home; it’s okay to enjoy! 

Don’t forget to take breaks from listening if the mood becomes overwhelming (and avoid exposure during stressful events). 

Learn what works for you–everybody’s body is different, and we all have varied reactions to music. 

I hope that these tips are helpful!


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